What if there were two of you?

Crush your to-do list

AI-powered tools have been reported to reduce the time spent on administrative tasks by up to 60%, allowing agents to focus on building client relationships and sales activities

Source: NAR, “Real Estate Tech Leaders Discuss Transformative Impact of Artificial Intelligence”, May 2024

Scale your business

Real estate agents using AI for lead generation have seen a 50% increase in leads and a 35% higher conversion rate

Source: Numalis, “How AI Is Reshaping Real Estate”, March 2024

Build your brand

Using AI to augment your marketing can enhance your campaign effectiveness and increase client acquisition and retention by 25%

Source: digitaldefynd, “Impact of Artificial Intelligence on the Real Estate Industry”, 2024

Used by top producers from these brokerages

Meet your new everything assistant

“And with Huzi, I treat it more just like, like who the other person and is in the next cubicle over from me. And I say, okay, we've got a new listing... And it spits out the best dang property description that you've ever seen.

I had Huzi create a facebook post for my listing and I put a $50 ad limit on that threw it into my Facebook, and I had 19 leads within the first 45 minutes, and we had six showings scheduled out of that for the next day. And I couldn't have pulled that off on my own.”

- Melissa Holm

I used Huzi in helping with my rebranding. What colors attract clients? What are they drawn to? What is easy when they're driving by to read, to see anywhere?

I have gotten numerous phone calls from other realtors who have said, my gosh, I love your signs. They're simple, they're easy to read, They look good. And I do have a marketing company that helped, but they really went off my guidance from using Huzi.

- Jenn McCulloch

I had 2,500 sq ft house and it had high ceilings, architectural bands, a very thoughtful layout. But, I didn't know how to make that sound really cool.

So I just wrote those key things and I said, Huzi, please develop an introduction that's creative. It's helped me get out of the block.

- Theresa Dunham

About a year and a half ago, I had a stroke, and the stroke has made it difficult for me to process on the fly like I used to. One of those things that I have trouble with is being creative. I've been using Huzi to make my presentations and some of my listing verbiage, so that it flows more smoothly. I was a really good producer until I had my stroke and I've been afraid to step out because I'm that means I might not be able to really respond the way I need to. I think this is helping not just give me some answers on how to respond, but it's helping retrain parts in my brain that are there.

- Theresa Dunham

I used it last night for my husband's work. I uploaded 26 files and they're procedure manuals... And I highlighted all 26 files... it was so quick.

Right there, every question I asked. It's amazing that it could do it off so many files and so fast.

- Karen Pestka

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